Maintaining compliance is essential for every organisation. We make it easy.
Enable your team to grow.
Listen to your learners' feedback and use it to improve your materials.
Deliver your training online to save time and money. Create interactive courses that capture your team's attention.
Prodeceo makes it easy for you to arrange training sessions. Invite users or allow them to self register.
Online assessment can be a useful tool for testing competencies. Prodeceo makes it simple to build online assessments.
Stop worrying about mobile learning, Prodeceo helps to get your team training on the move.
Set assignments for your team, provide them resources and collect their submissions.
Blend online and classroom courses into comprehensive training programmes.
Easily create reports to find out who needs additional training.
Prodeceo maintains a complete training record for your staff. You can add training undertaken elsewhere to make the record comprehensive.
By keeping comprehensive records, you can rest assured that Prodeceo makes ISO 9001 compliance easy.